Friday, December 28, 2012

Starlet Teaser

We stopped in front of a classroom. “This is the music room. Besides gym, it was my favorite class in elementary school.”

“This is an awesome music room,” I said as I walked inside. The walls were covered with music posters, colorful paintings of the composers, music vocabulary words and the classroom incentive charts. Scattered all around the floor were various instruments and a large rainbow circular rug. Just off to the side of the rug, there was a black upright piano.

“It’s the reason why we’re here,” he said as he took my hand. He led me to the piano, sitting down on the bench. “Sit next to me, dolcezza. I have something that I want you to hear. Now, I’m not a concert pianist by any stretch of the imagination but I do dabble. I’ve been writing this since I met you two and half years ago. So, um, please don’t laugh at me.”

“I could never laugh at you, Edward,” I frowned. “You’re doing something that I wish I could do. I’m completely tone deaf.”

“I love you, baby, but you are,” Edward snorted, kissing my lips softly. I glowered at him as he flipped open the keyboard.

“Why are you doing this here?” I asked.

“I had a tantrum after my parents died and trashed my grand piano. I wanted to do it at the high school since they have a Steinway, but I don’t have the same connections to my alma mater,” Edward chuckled. “So, you’ll have to hear my piece de la resistance on a slightly out of tune Yamaha.” He ran his fingers up and down the keys, smirking adorably.

There was a quiet ‘ding-dong’ sound that reverberated in the classroom. “NO FUCKING IN MY MUSIC ROOM, MASEN! Play your song but at least wait until you get home before you ravish each other.”

“Big brother’s watching over us,” I giggled.

“I get it, Ari,” Edward yelled at the intercom. 

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