Saturday, March 11, 2023

New Story ~ Coming Soon

This has been a rough few weeks for me, to be honest. But, with what all that happened, I was bitten by the plot bunnies ... 

Anyhow, here's my working idea for my new story, Stay With Me. 

Edward Cullen Jr., he was floundering. 

He lost his wife in a tragic accident. Not like there was love lost in their relationship. It was not a marriage of love and respect. More like a marriage of money, convenience and social status. Lauren Mallory was the daughter of a state senator and a socialite ... the perfect mate for the only son of Edward Cullen Sr., a federal court judge and his equally judgmental wife. 

Edward was primed to follow in his father's footsteps when his wife was found dead, but now he had no further hopes in becoming a judge or anything else. He wanted to focus on the only good thing that came out of their marriage, their only son, Edward Cullen III ... affectionally known as Teddy. Teddy did not fit the mold laid out by his grandparents on both sides, nor his mother. 

Teddy was born with Down Syndrome. 

Bella Swan, she was flourishing. 

She worked for several families as a nanny and full-time child care giver, focusing on children who had special needs. She was single, living with her best friends and happy with her life. When Alice Cullen, her oldest and dearest friend and cousin to Edward, came home in a tizzy. Her cousin was struggling and his parents would not help him, nor would they even acknowledge that he was lost ...

Alice begged Bella to meet with Edward, who was ten years her senior, to see if she could help him and help Teddy. It had gotten so bad that he'd gone to his godfather and his wife, Dr. Carlisle Cullen and Esme, for guidance since his own parents were absent, uncaring to his plight. 

What happens when these two meet and a connection is made? Will it be enough for Bella to stay with Edward and Teddy or will it tear them both apart?