Sunday, July 2, 2017

The Magic Within Update

TMW Chapter 21 on FicPad

TMW Chapter 21 on Stars

TMW Chapter 21 on AO3

TMW Chapter 21 on FFn

TMW Chapter 21 on Wattpad

Upon our return to Seattle, I figured out my schedule for the legal aid office. I would maintain my ‘promotion,’ but it would require me to be more hands-on with my clients. And by hands-on, it would be my training and fine-tuning my magical abilities. Each day, I got stronger, more confident with my abilities. Peter was a patient teacher, helping me maintain my animal form for longer periods of time. He also helped me with my preternatural grace as a fae and my fighting skills. Garrett would come up from Portland and working collaboratively with Emmett and Peter, we’d spar and improve my abilities in battle. In regard to my magical abilities, my freezing and the like, that was mainly done on my own. We had yet to find someone with a similar power to help guide me.

It was trial and error.

Mainly errors, at this point.

Bella was also working with Kate, Rosalie and shockingly enough, my sister. Carmen also assisted with Bella’s training, focusing her assistance on Bella’s recitation of spells, incantations, charms and prayers. Having those at easy access would be beneficial. She could call upon her magic, enhancing whatever she was calling upon with her magic. The coolest thing was an incarnation of a phoenix. It was fast, hot and deadly. The damn thing destroyed half of the forest behind the castle. Marcus called upon his powers, ancient earth magic, healed the scorched earth and it was restored back to its verdant splendor.

She was trying to increase her powers to create a thunder bird, or even better, a dragon. However, the incantation was only as strong as the person saying it. Bella had to grow her powers to get a bigger and more powerful beast.

“Edward should know these incantations, too,” Bella argued with Carmen, as she sipped some water. The summoning of these beasts drained her and made her thirsty.

“Keep in mind, he’s a shapeshifter. He could, in theory, become what you’re requesting,” Carmen said.

“I thought I could only shift into actual animals,” I said. “Like eagles, mountain lions and shit like that.”

“The animal is a reflection of its owner. From everyone that I’ve spoken to, you are the strongest fae, with great power, coursing through your veins, Edward,” Carmen said. “Right, Peter?”

“She is right. You are limited by the amount of power. The more power, the greater the animal,” Peter explained. “But, you are …” He looked at me, with an appraising eye. “You’re stronger than your father ever was.”

“I don’t feel like it,” I shrugged, idly making a flurry with my hands, watching as the snow fell onto the ground.

“What was it that you wanted Edward to try?” Carmen asked. “The incantation?”

“To summon an ice dragon,” Bella replied. “I can’t do it because my main power is related to fire, but with his freezing abilities …” I walked over to Bella, looking at the book with the spell. It was written in the fae language. The words were garbled and I wrinkled my nose. I blinked at the picture and looked at it, studied it. “Try the incantation.”

I mumbled the words, probably mispronouncing everything, but nothing happened. “I’m not that strong. There was nothing. Not even a kernel of power.”

“Using the picture and your imagination, try to shapeshift,” Peter said. “You may not need the incantation. You will become the ice dragon.”

Ice Dragon

Bella, in her fae form

Edward's wings


Marcus, the mage

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