Thursday, May 7, 2015

Surviving the Teenage Dream Update

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Surviving the Teenage Dream on FFn

Why do I have elephants dancing on my skull? Make the pain stop.

“Mr. Burgess, she’s coming around,” came a foggy voice. “Miss Cullen, wake up. Open your eyes for me.” I felt someone rub on my sternum, between my breasts. Fuck! STOP THAT!

“Ugh,” I groaned, curling up and swatting the hand away. I pulled my eyelids back, noticing that I was in the back of an ambulance. A young paramedic was sitting to my right while Steve was on my left, holding my hand. He had a pretty nasty gash on his temple that was haphazardly dressed with some gauze and tape. The paramedic took out a penlight, shining it in my eyes. I slammed my eyes shut.  “Oh, don’t do that. It makes the throbbing in my skull worse.” Once the light went away, I reopened them.

“Pupils are equal and reactive,” the paramedic noted, jotting down a few notes. “Miss Cullen, can you tell me what day it is?”

“Tuesday,” I grumbled, closing my eyes again. “Can I go home now?”

“You lost consciousness, Miss Cullen. We have to take you to the hospital. You, too, Mr. Burgess,” chided the paramedic. “That cut needs stitches.”

“Look, I have another person I’m responsible for. Can I follow you to the hospital? I promise to be right behind you,” Steve said, his voice pained.

“You shouldn’t drive, sir,” argued the paramedic.

“I won’t. Please,” he begged, his fingers threading through mine. I blinked a few times, relishing in the feeling of Steve’s hand in mine. He moved our hands, pressing his lips to his fingers, but I could feel the heat through them.

“Okay, but you have to assure me that you won’t get behind the wheel,” the paramedic grumbled.

“I promise,” he said, squeezing my hand. He looked down at me. His blue eyes were filled with such concern. “Owen and I will be right behind you, Kyra. You’ll be okay.” His fingers traced my cheek and he leaned down to kiss my forehead. With another pained look, he got out of the ambulance stiffly, jogging toward the physical therapist. Ten minutes, my mom’s car was behind the ambulance with Owen behind the wheel. The paramedic barked to the person in the driver’s seat and we took off. The movement made my stomach churn. I threw up twice, covering the floor with my breakfast. The paramedic injected some anti-nausea medication into my IV and I felt immediately better and very, very sleepy. 

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