Saturday, August 31, 2013

Attack of the killer plot bunnies...

Seriously, I should be working on finishing the stories that I have going, but the plot bunnies are relentless. I've got a few ideas floating through my head...

The first one, I'm working on for my submission for the Fandom for Friends. It's going to be the prologue and first two chapters of my newest story, Picking up the Pieces. Rough summary is this...

Bella and Jacob Black were living the dream. They were married for nine years and were happy. They had two children, Grace and John, whom they loved with everything they had. Jacob worked as a mechanic and Bella was a teacher. One day, Jacob started feeling exhausted and run down. He played it off as nothing, but that feeling didn't go away. After a year, the day before their tenth wedding anniversary, Bella forced Jacob to the doctor. He gave them the worst news ever...

You have stage IV pancreatic cancer.Within five months of the diagnosis, Jacob succumbed to the disease and Bella was a widow at the age of thirty-four.

A year after that, Bella packed up her life in Phoenix, Arizona and moved closer to her childhood home of Forks, Washington. Her mom is a retired principal and her father is the police chief. Bella was hired at the local elementary school as a first grade teacher by her former best friend and now principal, Alice Whitlock. Their lives are quiet and mundane, save for the weekly dinners with Charlie and Renee, Bella's parents.

Renee is convinced that Bella should be moving on from Jacob's death and eventually invites over various men over for these weekly dinners. After four weeks of pathetic set-ups, Bella has had enough and storms out of her parents' home, speeding back to her house to be with her children.

Everything changed as flashing lights blinked in her rear-view mirror. For the first time since Jacob's death, Bella's dead heart started beating when she saw the sad, piercing green eyes of Officer Edward Cullen.

The second idea is one of a high school reunion...don't know how I'm going to spin this since it's been done SOOOOOOOOOOOO many times, but I just want to do it. It'll be slightly humorous with a nerdy Bella and a hot-shot Edward. (At least in high school). I just can't deny this...

The third idea is one of an Angelward. In one of the manip groups I'm a part of on Facebook, I was inspired by a manip of a white angel, Edward, holding a fallen angel, Bella. Who knows if that's what I'm going to write, but the manip was so gorgeous that I felt a story spin in my head.

Anyhow, I am planning on finishing up The Next Chapter by Christmas and completing my stories that I have currently up and going. I just HAD to get these down. You know? I wanted to share them with you, too. Since, well, you all read these stories. So, yeah...I'm done rambling and I'll have The Next Chapter update up by tomorrow.

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