Monday, February 6, 2012

Finding Love Through Music Teaser

The cast list was posted after school on Friday. Ashleigh had gotten the part of Elle Woods, while Austin got Emmett. Tyler Crowley got the part of Warner and Bree got a slew of smaller but important parts. I really wanted her as Elle. She nailed the vocal part and her dancing was phenomenal but she was too young. Our first read through was scheduled for Monday.

I was packing up my classroom when Edward knocked on my door. “Hey,” I smiled. “Any bloodshed?”

“Crowley was a bit bitter he got the part of Warner but other than that? Not so much,” Edward said with a crooked grin. “Speaking of Crowley, have you spoken with Lauren?”

“I have,” I frowned. “We’ve stayed in contact since she began homeschooling. She lost her baby.”

“Oh, no,” Edward said, his brows knitting in compassion. “How far along was she?”

“Her baby was a little ‘older’ than Mattie,” I replied. “But, she stopped growing. Lauren just had the memorial for her baby girl this past weekend. It was just her and her family. I would have liked to have gone, since I’ve dealt with losing a baby like that, but Lauren didn’t tell me until after the fact.”

“Is she coming back?” Edward asked as he sat down next to me, lacing his long fingers in mine.

“No. Her parents are keeping her at home. She’s not in the best spot emotionally, you know?” I said with a sad smile. “I’ve spoken to Mr. and Mrs. Mallory. Initially, they were pretty pissed off at me since I bought her the pregnancy test but since then, we’ve become close. I told them my story about losing Mattie, in loose terms, and if Lauren wanted to talk to me…”

“Do you know how wonderful you are, Isabella Swan?” Edward asked reverently. “You are so compassionate and loving and I’m so fucking lucky that we’re together.”

“I hope we’re together for a long time, Edward,” I whispered, looking up into his emerald green eyes.

“Forever sounds good,” he said huskily. He leaned forward and captured my lips with mine in a chaste kiss. “And a day…forever and a day is perfect.”

“Works for me,” I said quietly as I kissed his lips sweetly. “So, where are you taking Emma and me for our date?”

“Well, Ms. Swan, that’s for me to know and for you to find out. Are you sure you don’t want to come back to my townhouse with me?”

“Edward, I need to start some laundry and check to see if my apartment is still there. It’s feeling neglected. Besides, I need to make the guest bedroom comfy for a certain little girl who is spending the night with us.”

“What? Do you need to hide your porn collection?” Edward snorted.

 I smacked his shoulder. “No, perv. I just want to put on fresh sheets and make it comfortable for her. It’s her first night spending it in my apartment. I don’t want her to be…”

“Bella, she’ll love it. Since you’re going to be there,” Edward murmured. “We’ll be over at your place at seven. Dress comfortably and warmly, my love.”

“Should I be afraid?” I asked.

“Nah,” he said with his signature crooked grin. “See you soon, Bella. I love you.”

“Love you, too, Professor,” I winked.

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