Sunday, September 25, 2011

Figure Eight Teaser

Jasper pulled out the tickets and we headed into the stadium. I looked at the ticket and noticed we were behind the Mariner’s bench. Emmett was surprised that I knew that. “Emmett, I lived in England. Not a black hole. I know baseball. I’m an avid Cubs fan,” I said.

“The Cubs? Ewwwwwwww,” Jasper grumbled. “They suck.”

“They’re the loveable losers,” I shrugged.

“Bella’s a Mariner’s fan,” Emmett said. “She and her dad come as often as they can.”

I nodded and we got in line to get some food. Or rather, they did. I was full from breakfast. I said I’d meet them at our seats. I wanted to check out the gift shop. Perhaps get a hat or something so I wouldn’t look like a complete fool sitting behind their dugout. I found a hat that I liked and wandered around the shop. On the shelf was a stuffed bear dressed in a Mariner’s uniform. I picked it up and smiled. Clutching the bear and my hat, I went to pay for purchases. Handing over some cash for them, I put the hat on my head and took the proffered bag with the bear. It seemed juvenile, but Bella would like it. Perhaps I’d spray some of my cologne on him so she would have something of me to hold onto when she wasn’t sleeping with me.

We don’t want to SLEEP with her…

Ain’t happening, boys. Not for a while. Call Rosie Palmer.

Fucking douche.

I carried my bag and went to my seat. Emmett and Jasper were already sitting there, holding two cups of beer each and trying to stuff a hotdog down their throats. “Gross, guys,” I said.

“Want one?” Emmett asked, handing me a half eaten hotdog.

“I’ll pass. Thanks,” I said, wrinkling my nose. I snagged a water from a vendor and sat down. But as soon as my butt hit the seat, the announcer asked us to stand for the National Anthem. I took off my hat and stood while the Star Spangled Banner was sung by a group of local middle schoolers.

That could be a fun date. Invite some kids to the rink and give them lessons. Score one for Masen!

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