Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Fire of Your Soul Update

FOYS Ch. 16 on FFn

The drive to The Stockyards seemed to take forever. Charlie was in no shape to drive. He was an anxious mess. Edward sped through the streets of Seattle to get to the condo complex. People were not moving over as the Battalion Chief’s SUV siren’s blared, and lights flashed. Edward laid on the horn, screaming in frustration at the stupidity of people.

Didn’t they know that they needed to move over to the right for emergency vehicles?

Arriving at The Stockyards, Edward parked the SUV haphazardly. Both he and Charlie threw on a turnout coat and picked up helmets from the back of the SUV. They didn’t have full gear. Pants and oxygen masks were not inside. They didn’t think to grab them when they flew out of the station.

All that mattered was getting to Bella and Renee.

“Do you think we should take the elevators?” Edward asked.

“I don’t want to risk it,” Charlie frowned. He pushed into the lobby and they ran to the stairwell. The fire alarms were going off and there were people running down the steps. “Where’s the fire? What floor?”

“Penthouse,” coughed one person.

“No, not there,” said someone else. “I live on the penthouse level and the air was clear. It was around the tenth floor.”

“Thank you,” Charlie said, pushing past them and he began running up the steps, taking two at a time. As they ran up the steps, the air grew thicker and smokier. When they hit the eighth floor, they could barely see inches in front of their faces. They checked the hallway, seeing if they saw flames.

Once they reached the tenth floor, the smoke was noxious and the sounds of flames licking the walls was deafening. Edward really wished for an oxygen mask and a full set of gear. Charlie was probably wishing for the same. They both were coughing, but they couldn’t stop now.

Bella and Renee … they needed them.

Despite the heavy smoke, they found the condo. Charlie felt the doorknob, checking to see if the fire had spread to the entrance. It was warm, but not overly hot. He looked at the man who’d fallen for his daughter, sharing a look. They were in this … together.

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