OOTD Chapter 1 Update on AO3
OOTD Chapter 1 Update on TWCS
OOTD Chapter 1 Update on FFn
OOTD Chapter 1 Update on Wattpad
I landed in my backyard and folded my wings back into my
body. Walking into my home, I scratched my dog’s ears as he waited for me in
the kitchen. “Did you guard the house, Felix?” I asked as I filled his water
bowl and fed him his kibble. “No intruders?”
Felix’s tail wagged as he devoured his meal. I chuckled,
walking into my massive library and sitting down in the reclining chair
overlooking the Hoh Rainforest. I pulled out my journal, jotting down my
thoughts from my day. I had so many journals, filled with my idle chatter and
commentary about the mundane lives of humans. Mainly, it was a diatribe how I
feared for the human race and future of the planet. People were so lazy, so
entitled, so ... It scared me.
And don’t get me started on the ‘blame game.’ Ugh!
I also doodled, wrote music, and reflected on my past. I’d
been stuck here for over sixty years, since the early 1940s. Don’t get me
wrong, I liked some of my times and experiences on earth. Getting high?
A-Mazing! Tattoos? Sign me up for more. Hell, I even had a huge piece on back
that looked exactly like my own wings. It was sweet. Even though I couldn’t
show them, I knew that they would still be seen.
Having sex? You don’t do that up in heaven. Well, you can,
but you have to be committed to the person. Prior to my exile, I had never made
the commitment so I was an angel
virgin, but a virgin virgin. Though,
my mentor/creator had her eyes on me and I knew she wanted more from me. She
wanted that commitment. I just wasn’t feeling it for her.
You know?
She reminded me of a sister. An annoying, obnoxious little sister. She was smart
as she came, and beautiful in her own right, but there was something child-like
that I couldn’t look past. So, I relegated her to the friend-zone.
I just learned that term the other day from Google. That
shit’s awesome.
Edward's Library
Edward's Bedroom
Edward's Home
Edward's Living Room
Edward's Kitchen
Loved this chapter, can't wait for more.