Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Excellent News!!

I got some great news earlier today. Caught in the Flames and Renovations have been nominated for fics of the month at TwiFanfictionRecs, completed in August. You can vote once per day for each day of September.

I'd appreciate any and all votes you'd be willing to give me so that Caught in the Flames or Renovations can be one of the top ten fics finished in August.

ALSO, don't forget that I will have a Christmas present for you with an outtake/futuretake about their third baby with Leah as their surrogate. Thank you to everyone who has read this story and supported me while I overcame the death of my mother, using writing as an outlet.

Additionally, don't forget that the second installment, Under Construction, will begin posting in January with an extended summary posted in two weeks along with the banner reveal. I will have a teaser for you before the end of the month, as well.

Thank you, also, for anyone who voted for Surviving the Teenage Dream. We came in fifth place! WOOT WOOT!! I appreciate everyone who took the time to vote for the third and final installment of the ANSOL series. It is bittersweet to mark this series as complete, but I have a strange sense of accomplishment with the the completion of the story. I've got some other stories in the works, including one that will begin posting in a couple of weeks. Thank you again! You are all so awesome! 

God bless you all and please vote here:



Josie 'Tufano79'

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