Sunday, August 18, 2013

La Cantante Repost

Chapter Thirty on FFn

Chapter Thirty on TWCS

Toronto Express on AO3

Bella was so slick in her prank. I knew that she was up to something when she bolted out of her room when I dumped her suitcase. Rose ripped me a new one after she left and I began repacking her bag. Little did I know what she was doing? She put briefs, BRIEFSinto my suitcase. To make it even worse, they weren’t even my briefs. They were Emmett’s. Ewwwwwwwwwww! Emmett is a nice guy but the sounds that come from his body indicate not the cleanest set of ‘drawers.’ She definitely freaked me out. I was ready to go to a twenty-four hour store to pick up new underwear until she uncovered my boxers in the garment bag.
After our debacle over my boxers, Bella and I headed to bed. It was so nice to be away from Emerson and drama that had taken hold there. It was nice to be in a bed that was not twin-sized. I’m 6’2” and I struggle with sleeping in those beds, even if they are ‘extra long.’ Add another person, even a small person, a Bella-sized person; it’s a tight squeeze. Bonus for being in a queen-sized bed, that’s for sure.
Bella and I got the best night’s sleep ever. I know that I didn’t have any nightmares. I’m assuming Bella had at least one, as she gripped my torso very tightly during the night. I could feel her tears on my chest. I woke up and hummed her lullaby until she settled down, though she never woke up. I faintly heard Rose’s alarm go off in the morning. Rose was shuffling around the room. I’m assumed she was going to work out. She scribbled a note and placed on the bedside table to my right. I feigned sleep until I heard her grab her bag and leave the room. I picked up the note and read it in the dim light of our hotel room.
Dear Bella and Edward,
I’m going to work out for a few hours. I’ve been slacking lately. Use the empty room wisely. Despite your covert activities last night, I could still hear you both sucking face. You need some ‘alone-time.’
I love you both. Enjoy your sexytime. I’ll be back by 10.
AKA The Sex Fairy :)

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