Friday, August 10, 2012

Figure Eight FINAL Update

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Epilogue on TWCS


Ten Years Later

"Good job, Jas," I said as I removed my scrub cap from my head. "That knee replacement was brutal!"

"Tell me about it," he groaned. "I've never seen that much scar tissue. Okay, I've seen that much scar tissue but it was in your wife."

"It was that bad?" I asked.

"Yep. But, ever since her hip replacement, Bella's been obviously doing great," Jasper winked. "I could show you video."

"No, thank you," I said as we walked to the locker room. We had to do our notes and final observations on our patient before we could go home. Or rather, for me, to the rink. It had been ten years since I married my beautiful wife. Ten years of loving, happiness, a bit of frustration, and growth as a couple, as individuals and as a family.

Shortly after our return from the Maldives, Bella decided that she was going to be a coach. I was headlong in my first semester of medical school and she was so excited when she received a call from a Canadian pair, asking for her to coach them. They moved here and they worked in Carlisle's rink. Under Bella's tutelage, the pair won their national championship and earned a bronze at the next year's World Championships.

Unfortunately, Bella's hip was not getting any better. I could see her, on a daily basis, begin to favor it more and more. When I called her on it, a year after we got married, we had the biggest blow out. She insisted that her hip was fine. She turned to walk away and I grabbed her, gently, mind you, on her hip. She screamed in agony, crumbling against my chest. The next day, we were sitting in Jasper's office. He wanted to operate right away but a preexisting condition prevented him from doing so.

Bella was pregnant. She didn't know. She had stopped getting her Depo shot. This was a conscious decision between the two of us. But, sometimes, I was too lazy to put a condom on. So, we had to wait until after the baby was born. I was excited that she was pregnant. Bella was terrified.

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