Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The Next Chapter Update

Lunch, Thanksgiving, and Incoming Bad Weather

I was sitting in a local restaurant, waiting for Alice and Rose. They had just finished parent/teacher conferences before the Thanksgiving break. I was idly playing with my cell phone as I sat in the booth for my two best friends. Esme had offered to watch the children while I went out to lunch with them.

"Bells!" they called. I turned and saw them looking all professional from parent teacher conferences. Alice was in a pair of khaki dress pants and a deep eggplant sweater. Rose was in a teal blue shirt and black pants. I felt sadly under dressed in my beige corduroys and pink turtleneck sweater.

"Hey guys," I said as I got up from the booth. I hugged them both and we settled into our seats. "How were conferences?"

"Boring for me," Alice said. "I only had a handful of conferences. The joys of being a 'special.'"

"Yeah, you suck," Rose grumbled. "We were busy each minute of both days of conferences. I barely had any time to pee or eat dinner. Not fun."

"How's Merritt?" I asked.

"Gone," Alice said with a triumphant grin. "He was placed on administrative leave because of his handling of your situation. If he comes back this year, he'll be doing 'bitch' work at the district office until his contract is up."

"Nice!" I said. "Who's the interim principal?"

"We tried to get you to be the interim principal, but the district office said that you were taking medical leave before you took a position as the head of curriculum and instruction," Rose said, pouting.

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