“What crack was I smoking when I agreed to a double date?” Bella grumbled as she searched her closet for something to wear. “I’m not social. I can be friendly, but people? I’m so not a people person!”
“Hello?” sang Alice. “Where are you, Bella?”
“I’m my bedroom, Miss Alice,” Bella answered.
“Do you need my fashion advice? Again?” Alice asked, shuffling into her bedroom. “Bags? Are you going somewhere? The travel bug bit?”
Bella poked her head out of her closet. “Yeah. Edward and I bet on a miniature golf game on our second date. If I won, I’d get to plan our next date. If he won, we’d go on a trip together. Suffice it to say, he won.”
“Where are you going?” Alice asked, sitting down on Bella’s bed. “Someplace romantic? Paris? Italy? Cabo?”
“Ha, no,” Bella chuckled. “We’re going to an all-inclusive resort in Brazil. Can you water my plants while I’m gone? And get my mail?”
“When are you leaving?” Alice inquired. “You know I’ll always help you out, sweetheart.”
“Thank you! Anyway, we’re leaving early on March 9th, arriving in São Paulo on March 10th, and returning to Seattle on St. Patrick’s Day,” Bella replied, holding up blue sweater. “Yay or nay?”
“For what, Bella?”
“A double date. We’re going out for dinner then bowling,” Bella said, wrinkling her nose. “I’m meeting Edward’s best friend and his girlfriend.”
“That’s cute, if you’re twelve,” Alice tsked, getting up from the bed and smoothing her hands down her polyester pants. “Did I lead you astray with the dress?”
“No,” Bella muttered. “It worked out really well. Edward … yeah, he appreciated the dress.”
“Then, you need to make him salivate for you. What about this?” Alice held up a black lacy camisole.
“I’m going bowling, Miss Alice,” Bella laughed. “That’s more appropriate for a club. I can’t really wear a bra with that.”
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