Sunday, April 18, 2021

Upcoming Plans

 With Falling for a Dark Soul ending yesterday (I'm shocked and sad that it's over ...), I want to let you know my plans moving forward.

Obviously, I'm still going to post The Perfect Storm. It's already written and will be finished in Mid-May, with updates on Mondays/Fridays and teasers on Tuesdays/Saturdays. Thanks to Clo, HeartForTwilight for the manip ... "We've got cows!"

I'm also currently working on Blockbuster. I'm wrapping up chapter nine and I want to get at least ten chapter written before I start posting chapters. I'll probably start posting updates for Blockbuster starting in May, following the update pattern of Falling for a Dark Soul ... Teasers on Wednesdays, updates on Saturdays.

I also have another story in the works, Destination Date. Once I get ten chapters written for Blockbuster, I'm going to continue working on this lighter, smuttier story. I've already got five chapters written for that one, written for JenRar. I don't know the update schedule for that one since it's still being written. However, it will be a shorter story and may follow The Perfect Storm update schedule.

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