Monday, May 28, 2018

A Modern Day Fairy Tale Teaser

As soon as we walked onto the red carpet, I felt Bella tense. I slid my arm around her waist, whispering in her ear. “Just breathe, cherie,” I said. She nodded, a soft smile spreading over her face. The cameras flashed, and I heard the photographers bark questions, but I led Bella into the Guggenheim, stopping briefly for a few pictures before making our way into the event.

We made our way inside. Bella’s eyes were large as she looked around the lavishly decorated museum. I used the opportunity to sign in, using my full regal name. I got our table assignment, threading my fingers with Bella’s. “You okay, cherie?” I asked quietly. I prayed she was. This was a lot for people who were not blue bloods.

“I don’t fit in here,” she whispered, her eyes wide. “This is overwhelming, Masen.”

“I won’t leave your side, Bella,” I vowed. “I don’t like going to these events, either. But, getting to sit next to you, dance with you and spend the evening with you? It’ll make it that much more palatable. More than that, Bella.” I pulled into a quiet corner, tugging her flush to my body. Her curves melded against me and she fit perfectly in my arms. She placed her hands on my lapel, idly playing with the satin. “If I had my choice, you’d be my date for all of these events.”

“You deserve someone more refined,” she pouted.

“I don’t want refined. I want you. Only you!” I said, kissing her tenderly and holding her close to me. “And you are plenty refined. You’re perfect, beautiful, kind, funny, and mine.” She blushed, her eyes widening. I wanted to lose myself in her lips, her body, but not yet. I pressed my forehead to hers. “I’m proud to stand next to you. Don’t even think that you don’t belong here. You are … you are more than worthy. Please, believe me?”

“I’m trying,” she whispered. “Going from wearing yoga pants and t-shirts to couture gowns in one day? My brain is kind of reeling, Masen.” I chuckled, hugging her once more before we went into the main area where the tables were set up. I led us to our table, which included the police commissioner, deputy mayor and one of my classmates from law school, James, who was working for the district attorney.

“Masen, I thought I saw your name on the list of attendees,” James smirked, holding out his hand. He was tall, about my height, with blonde hair, blue eyes and crinkly grin. He was one of the few people who knew who I really was, but never shared my secret. I shook it, smiling genuinely. “You look good, man.”

“So, do you, James,” I chuckled. “How is it working for the DA?”

“I love it,” he beamed. “I met my soul mate while working there. She’s around here somewhere.” He craned his neck until he saw a ravishing redhead. “Vicki! I want to introduce you to one of my buddies from law school.” He blinked to Bella, picking up her hand, kissing her knuckles. “And who is this beauty?”

“This is Bella,” I answered. “My girlfriend.”

“Girlfriend? In the three years I’ve known you, I always thought you were gay,” James teased. “But, apparently not. You were just waiting for the right woman. How’d you meet this foreign blowhard?”

Bella giggled. “He came into my bakery. We bonded over sourdough.”


  1. Love that James seems like a good guy and hasn't just blurted out the Masen is a prince. Bella's dress, just lovely and the jewelry, OMg, gorgeous. Looking forward to all future chapters :-)

    1. Thank you! The update will be posted on Friday! :-)
