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Witch Way on FFn
I was a normal girl, living a normal life. Never did I expect to thrust into a world where the supernatural ruled. Vampires, Demons, Werewolves and Witches? ExB, AU
Chapter 1: B reakup
"James, things are not working out," I said. "We are just too different. I wil l always care for you, but we' ve grown apart."
"Bella, be re asonable," James said, staring at me with his cornflower blu e eyes. "I love you, baby. I w ant to be with you for the res t of my life."
"James, we are not the same people we were w hen we started dating. We were in college, young and idealis tic. We both want different th ings in our lives. I want to b e a head chef and I'm on my wa y. You're unemployed with no p rospects. I'm mean, what the h ell? I can't support you for t he rest of our lives. When I g et back from work, you need to be out of my apartment," I sa id, holding out my hand. "Can I have my key?"
"Bella, baby, " he pleaded. His blond hair f ell into his eyes, causing him to look frazzled. "Think abou t this. We've been together fo r six years. Don't throw this away."
"I'm not throwing anyt hing away. I'm moving on with my life," I replied, rolling my eyes. "Key, James."
His ey es narrowed and he got a murde rous look on his face. I could see him lose his control. He pushed the key into my hand q uite forcefully and huffed int o the bedroom. I gathered my t hings and headed to my restaur ant, VooDoo Lounge, a Creole r estaurant in the west side of Chicago. I slipped my key int o my pocket and made a mental note to get my locks changed at my apartment with the supe r.
I was 25 years old and had been with James Hunter since my freshman year of college. We met on the first day of se cond semester at University of Illinois at Chicago in our Bu siness class. He was cute, in a surfer type of way. He had long, shaggy blond hair with piercing blue eyes. His body was sick and he was brilliant , but lazy. He was finance maj or and got a job right of coll ege at one of the banks in the city. However, when the econo my tanked, so did his career. He was let go nearly a year a go and was living with my room mate and I after he got thrown out his apartment. Since he l ost his job, James had become bereft and a bit overbearing. I tried to look past it but I couldn't. Not anymore. I didn 't want to throw away the past six years of my life, but I c ouldn't handle his lack of job and laziness.
I pulled out my phone and called my roommate, Angela. "Hey, Ang. I did it. Finally," I said into the pho ne.
"About time, Bella. He's s eriously such a lazy ass. You deserve better. Also, he seem s to have changed. Something d oesn't seem right in the head with him," Angela said.
"I kn ow. It's always been there, bu t even more so, now," I said a s I walked up the platform of the El. "I got his key, but I think it would be in our best interest to get the locks cha nged. You know?"
"I agree, Bel ls. I'll call Sam to ask him t o change our locks tonight whe n I get home from the hospital ," Angela said. She was a nurs e at the University of Chicago Medical Center. She worked in the emergency room. She loved her job and more power to her . I can't stand the sight of b lood. I faint. The smell perme ates the room and it makes me so sick. Blech.
"Thanks, Ang, " I said with a smile. "I feel so much better now that he's out of my life."
"You should, Bells. You need to find some guy that has some ambition in his life and is not content t o stay seated on the couch doi ng absolutely nothing for an e ntire year. I mean, seriously, he did nothing while he lived with us. Fucking slacker. Sor ry," Angela griped.
"You're ri ght, Ang. I agree with you. He was a slacker. Hopefully, he' ll get his slacker ass out of our apartment by the time we get home from our crazy jobs, " I laughed. "I got to go. The train is here. Love you, Ang! "
"Love you, too, Bells! See y ou tonight. Bring home some go od food from your awesome rest aurant," Angela giggled.
"I'll try, Ang. Ciao!" I said into the phone before I slipped it into my messenger bag. I pull ed my long brown hair into a m essy bun and walked onto the t rain. I sat down and pulled ou t a ratty copy of Wuthering He ights, deciding to get lost in the epic story. I couldn't re ally pay attention to the stor y. I was too focused on my own life and how pathetic it real ly was.
My name is Isabella Sw an and I'm a loser, thank you very much. I am 25 years old and live with my best friend from high school, Angela Webe r. She's the sweetest girl eve r, with a potty mouth, though. Back to me and my depressing little life. I was born in a small town called Forks, Wash ington. My parents were divorc ed when I was very young and I lived with my mom, Renee, unt il she passed away when I was nine. My mom was a bit flight y and she was really into the whole Wicca thing. She believ ed that she was a witch. I jus t thought she was crazy with a ll of her crystals and books o f potions and spells. I loved her though and missed her ter ribly. She had a brain aneurys m and she went very suddenly.
I looked more like R enee though. I was small, peti te. I was about 5'4" with deep brown eyes and long brown hai r that fell to about the middl e of my back. It was naturally wavy but I usually wore it pu lled back off my face. Especia lly in my line of work, it is necessary.
I worked as an ass ociate chef at VooDoo Lounge. I majored in business with a minor in culinary arts. I wor ked collaboratively with the h ead chef, Eric Yorkie, who hap pened to be another friend of mine from high school. He gra duated a few years before me a nd hired me to be his associat e chef. We worked well togethe r in creating new and unique c reations for the Creole/Americ an restaurant that we worked a t. I, personally, couldn't sta nd Creole food. I would rather be cooking Italian food. It's my heritage and I had a ton o f recipes from my grandmother on my mom's side of the famil y. However, I needed to get my foot in the door somewhere an d VooDoo Lounge gave me the op portunity.
At the restaurant, we also had an awesome pastry chef named Mike Newton. He wa s always trying to flirt with me. He was cute, in an all-Am erican, boy next door, sort of way. However, there was somet hing about him that seemed off . He was very flamboyant. It w as like he was gay, but didn't know it. Eric and I had a bet on when he'd come out of the closet. I was determined that it would be before the end of the year. Eric was adamant th at he wouldn't ever come out. We have $500 on this bet. I'm needing that money so he bett er come out, damn it!
I was pu lled out my reverie by the dis embodied voice of the El train , alerting my stop was next. I gathered my things and stood by the door. When the train s topped, I got out and walked t o VooDoo Lounge, entering in t he back entrance. I put my bag and coat into my locker and w alked into the kitchen. I look ed at the board that had the s pecials listed and I began gat hering the necessary ingredien ts. I was working on the Orzo Jambalaya when Eric tapped me on the shoulder. "Hey, Bella. Is there any way you can work the lunch rush tomorrow?" he asked.
"That should be fine, Eric. What's up?" I responded .
"I need to meet with the own ers for a meeting about costs and how we're doing," Eric sa id with an eye roll. "Good tim es. I'd rather be cooking."
"S orry, man," I said with a frow n. "Can I get off early tomorr ow, then?"
"That should be fin e. Get here around ten and you can leave around seven," Eric said.
"Okay," I said as I tur ned back to my meal I was crea ting. The evening went by very quickly. VooDoo was packed, a s it usually was. Eric and I b arely had any time to breathe in the kitchen tonight. It wa s a very popular night for our restaurant, Mardi Gras. Howev er, most nights it was busy. M ardi Gras made it even more cr owded and busy. Eric and I wor ked very well in tandem, plati ng up dishes and distributing them to the wait staff. We ha d worked so well together, we didn't even really need to ta lk as we worked.
At a slow poi nt in the night, I took a brie f smoke break outside the rest aurant. I went into my bag and pulled my good friend, the Ma rlboro Man. I grabbed a cigare tte and my lighter and stepped out in the alley behind the r estaurant. I took a milk crate and I sat down on it. I lit m y cigarette and inhaled the sm oke into my lungs, feeling and enjoying the burn. This was o ne habit I picked up from Jame s that I enjoyed. I never smok ed at all until I met him. He was a chain smoker. As soon a s one cigarette was out, anoth er one was lit. I resisted for the first two years of our re lationship, but finally relent ed and started to smoke. It wa s a nasty habit, but it calmed me.
I leaned against the wall in the alley behind the resta urant. I heard some noise and my alerts went up. "Anybody t here?" I asked to the darkness . I heard no response and I qu ickly put out my cigarette and popped in a piece of gum befo re heading back into the kitch en.
We had a late night slam a round 9:30. Eric and I worked at a feverish pace until clos e at 11:00. By the time we wer e done, I was beat. Eric was k ind enough to let me leave a b it early as I needed to open t he restaurant the next morning . I gathered my things and pul led out another cigarette as I walked out of the restaurant. It had gotten colder and I bu rrowed deeper into my coat. As I was walking back to the El, I heard some scratching sound s. I picked up the pace, tryin g to get home faster. I hated working so late, but it was a part of the job.
I was nearly to El platform when I felt so mething near me. I turned and looked into the night. I didn 't see anything. It was unsett ling. "Who's there?" I asked a s I reached into my pocket for my pepper spray. I heard a gh ostly chuckle that sounded vag uely familiar. "James? Are you following me?"
James stepped out from the shadows and ther e was something not right abou t him. He looked eerily calm. His eyes were vacant and his posture was like a crouch.
"Y ou have no idea what's coming, Bella," he snarled.
"What are you talking about James? It's late and I need to go home," I said as I tried to brush pa st him. He stepped in front of me and his eyes glowed red. " Dude, you're freaking me out."
"You should be very afraid, B ella," he whispered. He held u p his hand and what looked lik e a ball of fire appeared in h is hand. He idly moved the flo ating ball of fire and his eye s grew more red. "You are the key to our existence."
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