Monday, September 29, 2014

Star Crossed Teaser

Her mind was now filled with terror, flashes of what could happen invading her subconscious. Her beautiful face was pinched and tears were flowing from her closed eyes. With a nod, I carried my mate out of the throne room and into her private quarters, locking the door. Nirabelle, listen to my voice. Focus on me, love. Please…come back to me.

She didn’t respond. Cygnarian words were repeating in her mind followed by imagined visions of her dead father, her brother maimed beyond all recognition and my own corpse, staring lifelessly up at her, waxy and pale.

“Emperor,” called Jerasse, one of Bella’s hand maidens, from the entrance of the suite. “Kunnan is here, sir.”

“Thank you,” I muttered, looking up at the tall, bald doctor who had treated my em’tuuk gas exposure. He glided in, sitting down on the chair closest to where I was holding Bella. “Her mind is reeling, Kunnan.”

“She must be terrified,” he whispered. “However, if she stays inside of herself, she could be permanently trapped within her own mind, her worst nightmares becoming her reality while her body withers away. It’s called zi’tkm, or what you would consider to be a catatonic state.”

“How do we get her out of it?” I asked.

“Only her mate can successfully breach her mind. You need to coax her out of her zi’tkm. However, I know that is not feasible since you need to meet with your crew and the Assembly of Nobles,” Kunnan said. “I can sedate her. It will stop her mind from looping her most terrifying nightmares. When the sedation wears off, you need to be with her, love her and soothe her mind with yours. Your doctor, Dr. Halé, who is an empath, will greatly help in that venture. She can amplify your emotions and wrap the empress in what she needs.”

“Speak with Dr. Halé and make arrangements for as soon as we’re done with our debriefing. Also, please ask for Maralice to stay with Empress Nirabelle. I want her to be surrounded by those who truly love her,” I said, nuzzling her soft cheek. “Fíorghrá, I will be back as soon as I can. I love you so much. Please come back to me.” Kunnan pressed his hypospray to Bella’s neck and her nightmarish visions disappeared from my mind. She slumped into my arms and her face evened out, but still looked troubled. “Keep me appraised of anything that happens, Kunnan.”

“I will, Emperor,” he said, bowing deeply. “Do you want her to be in her bed?”

“Yes. I’ll carry her,” I said curtly. My need to protect her was overwhelming and I didn’t want anyone touching her but me. Scooping her in my arms, I carried her to our bed and I gently laid her onto the white, fluffy sheets. Brushing her hair away from her face, I kissed her lips. “Ti-ane mahnu te-atée sa-ahari. I’ll be back as soon as I can, love. I promise.” 


Saturday, September 27, 2014

Surviving the Teenage Dream Update

Surviving the Teenage Dream on FicPad

Surviving the Teenage Dream on AO3

Surviving the Teenage Dream on TWCS

Surviving the Teenage Dream on FFn

It had been a week since we had the prom in our backyard. Owen and Tasha were stronger than ever, spending nearly every free moment together. I was happy to see my son finally getting out of his funk from the accident. Kyra, on the other hand, had fallen apart since Thomas broke up with her. Every night, she cried herself to sleep. She barely ate and she moved around the house in a zombie state. It took all of my control not to go over to that boy’s house and smack him stupid.

My baby girl was hurting because of him.

He saw this random picture of Steve hugging Kyra from this unknown number and assumed that Kyra was cheating on him. My daughter tried to explain to Thomas that it was the day that I had been admitted into the hospital with my anxiety attack. She was upset and Steve was only trying to calm her down. Thomas just walked away.

What made things even more awkward was the fact that they were paired up for a project in chemistry class. Her chemistry teacher, Mr. Brown, would not them switch partners. Kyra wouldn’t work with him, so she was doing all of the work on her own. She didn’t want to call Thomas, let alone see him for this project. She just wanted to survive until the end of the school year and then move on with her life, going to Northwestern University in the fall.

I was waiting for Kyra to come out of school. Oliver was with me. We all were giving Kyra a little extra attention due to her depression from being broken up. She would smile sadly, relishing in the love her family would give her for a few moments but only time will heal her broken heart. As Kyra was walking out, the girl that she had helped a year ago with the abortion, Mackenzie, was screaming in my daughter’s face. Kyra was trying to ignore it, but this girl was brutal. I got out of the car, ready to step in.

“Mr. Edward, don’t,” Oliver warned. “It may seem cruel, but Kyra needs to handle this. That girl has tormented her ever since Thomas ended their relationship. Kyra doesn’t need you to sweep in and make her an even bigger target.”

“What do you mean?” I asked, glancing at my security guard.

“She doesn’t need ‘Daddy’ to make her problems go away. It’s one of the many things that Mackenzie spews in her rants,” Oliver frowned.

“Why won’t she say something? Why won’t she go to the school administration?” I growled, frustrated.

“She has, but Mackenzie has spun it saying that Kyra has been bullying her. It’s a situation of hearsay. The response of the school is for the girls to avoid each other,” Oliver replied, his brow furrowing.

Hugo's Frog Bar

Commencement Ceremony

Graduation Party

Graduation Presents

From the Security Guys...

Whitlock laptop

Messenger bag

The size of the security guy's present

Mia, Masen and Owen's present

New apartment on the campus of Northwestern University


Saturday, September 20, 2014

Surviving the Teenage Dream Teaser

I rolled my eyes as I slid the back door open. Alice was sitting on the porch, looking more like her usual, pulled-together self. Her hair was expertly styled but she had cut it short in a bob, allowing her natural color to shine through. Her black hair was now peppered with gray hair, making her look sleek and refined. Her hazel eyes twinkled as she watched Mia, Gianna and Masen play with Max, tossing a disgusting tennis ball back and forth. “Hey, Younger,” I quipped, sitting down next to her.

“Older,” she smiled. “Did the guys tell you about Owen and Bella?”

“Yeah. Is everything okay?” I asked.

“Owen was complaining all morning about his leg. The physical therapists noticed it was swollen and warm. It may be an infection in the incision. The therapist said that antibiotics should help, but Bella wanted to get him checked out by Dr. Snow,” Alice said. “I was over anyway, having lunch with Bella when she made the call. I said I’d stay until she came back. Did you pick up Kyra?”

“Yeah. On my way back from my own therapy appointment,” I said. “I worked in the morning, doing some work for the Foundation. We’ve got a couple of centers opening in the next month or so. I was arranging for travel for Mom and Marcus, who are going in our place since Bella doesn’t want to travel and I do not want to leave my family.”

“I could go, too,” Alice murmured. “I’ve taken a leave of absence from work until I get my head screwed on straight. I’m better, but having something to focus on besides my meds or head shrinking sessions would be a nice little bonus.”

“Well, there is a site opening up in New Jersey. Mom and Marcus asked if I could go in their place because they are flying out to Italy to see Aro and his newest grandchild. They would rather have some time to pack and such before leaving. Could you do that?” I asked.

“When?” Alice answered.

“The week after my birthday,” I said. “You would fly out on a Monday, make sure that the center is ready to be opened, sign off on any requisition orders and then help coordinate the grand opening with the center’s administrator. The opening is happening on Friday.”

“I’ll do it,” she beamed. “Can I bring Gianna with me? Pending Jasper will allow me…”

“Is he fighting you for custody or visitation?” I asked.

“No. He just doesn’t trust me. Not that I blame him. I wouldn’t trust me after what I did,” Alice shrugged. “I am a horrible mother and Jasper has every right to be pissed off. I’m trying to do right by my children, but he won’t let me be with Gianna or Adam without Bella, you or the security guys around.”

“How are things going with Gianna? I know that she was…apprehensive,” I whispered, treading on dangerous ground.

“It’s slow going. It will take time, but this trip may be what we need,” Alice sighed, tucking her hair behind her ear.

“Why don’t you ask Gianna first? If she’s willing, then cross the bridge with Jasper,” I suggested. “Not to sound harsh, but Gianna may not be ready to go on a trip with you, Ali. She still feels more comfortable with Bella, me and Jasper.” Alice blushed, her eyes falling to the patio. Tears fell onto her cheeks. “Alice, I’m not saying this to be mean or to upset you, but I’m just laying out the facts.”

“You’re right,” Alice sniffled, wiping her face. “Now, I kind of know what you felt with Dad about his perception of you.”

“I don’t follow,” I said.

“Dad always took Emmett’s side whenever you were the topic of discussion. His hatred of you was apparent and your relationship with him was irrevocably damaged because it,” Alice hissed, her hands closing into tiny fists.

“Damaged? We didn’t have a relationship. He only tried to make amends after his death,” I said, arching a brow. “You do not treat Gianna like Dad treated me. His contempt of my existence oozed out of him. You love your daughter, but you lost your way and you’re trying to make it right. Like you said, though, it’s slow going. Gianna needs to know that you’re reliable, willing to be there for her. She needs to know that regardless of how you feel, you’ll drop everything to help her. She needs love, affection, guidance and reassurance, Alice. She got that from Bella and me while you were gone. Jasper tried, but he was not the mother she desperately wanted. Bella and Kyra stepped into those shoes. You have to…you have to be patient.” 

Monday, September 15, 2014

A Ilha do Amor update: Last Fling Before the Ring

A Ilha do Amor on FicPad

A Ilha do Amor on TWCS

A Ilha do Amor on AO3

“I cannot believe this place,” gushed Paul, running his hands along the granite counter tops in the resort’s spa. The rest of us were enjoying pedicures and sipping mimosas. Everyone except Jessica, who was nursing some plain orange juice.  “Now, I understand why you are not coming back to Seattle. I wouldn’t want to leave either. Can I stay? I promise I’ll be a good little boy. I’ll even pick up my dirty underpants.” He batted his eyes at me, pouting adorably. I just giggled, taking another drink of my mimosa.

“It was tough for me to leave a month ago for your shower,” Angela deadpanned.

“And it was the only place that I didn’t experience morning sickness,” Jessica grumbled, her face green, putting her full glass of orange juice onto the counter. She glared at the glass, obviously hating the turmoil her stomach was enduring. “I’m waiting for that moment to come back. Why is it called morning sickness when you have it all day?”

“Because it’s a lie,” Rose snickered, swaddling Caitlyn in her pink blanket. “In theory, they call it morning sickness because it’s your body’s reaction to lack of nutrients when you sleep. Like you, I was sick pretty much all day until I reached my second trimester. Then, I was a horny bitch, wanting Emmett pound into me all of the time, eating everything in sight.”

“Rose, TMI,” I giggled.

“What?” she shrugged. “My Emmy was more than happy to oblige, in more ways than two.”

“All women experience that insatiable need during the second trimester,” Esme said. “With Edward, I thought I broke Carlisle with the amount of sex we’d had.”

“When I was pregnant with Bella, I became ravenous for my husband and incredibly adventurous. I wanted Charlie everywhere, any time and any place. We ended up making love on top of the Space 
Needle, nearly getting arrested for indecent exposure,” Mom snickered. I blanched, shooting up from my seat and darting to fill up my champagne glass. I could have gone my whole life without knowing that little tidbit of information. My mother is an exhibitionist.

Not like I’m much better.

My office.

The bathroom at the Newsroom Awards.

The balcony at the Mumford and Son’s concert.

Alki Beach.

The back of Edward’s car…

You’re an exhibitionist, too.

And damn proud of it. As long as you don’t get caught. 

Bella's Dress

Angela, Jessica and Becca

Rose and Alice

Party Bus

The scene of the 'crime' ~ Bella and Edward get their freak on

Bachelor/Bachelorette Party Gifts

Bella's new favorite toy


Rio Scenarium

Bella and Edward's dance